Speaking & Workshops

Anne-Marie is an experienced speaker for grief and trauma support workshops and conferences, and her seminars are both empowering and transformative with humor, openness, and honesty. Your audiences will laugh, learn and be inspired.

Celebrate RecoveryNorth Coast TrainingA Warrior's OasisTrauma Intervention ProgramState of ChalangeInternal EmpowermetHeritage MemorialEnlumen Leadership ServicesNational Human Resources AssociationCamp WidowMarketplace ChaplainsTrauma Centre For Healing VHA    Community Hospice

One of the most difficult things we must deal with in life is grief. As a widow herself, Anne-Marie knows the pain and devastation that accompany grief and loss. She is living proof that you can go from surviving to thriving.

Through her authentic and humorous approach to being a speaker for grief and trauma support workshops and conferences, Anne-Marie forms deep connections which make for an impact and empowering seminar. There are many powerful moments as she dispels the myths and misinformation about grief and opens the audience’s eyes to what loss really is – and it is so much more than death, and how to heal and live forward and fully!

Grief And Trauma Healing<br />
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“Anne-Marie was able to connect with the audience immediately and deeply, she had them crying but also, at times, laughing. Her down-to-earth demeanor and genuine concern along with her educational content had a powerful impact.”

Dr. Les Triché

– Principal, California Institution for Women

See More Testimonials

“Anne-Marie is one of the most powerful speakers I’ve met. She is a wealth of information, personable and just an all-around down to earth person.“

RoxAnne Le Sene

Vice President, Internal Empowerment Coaching

“Anne-Marie gave us skills, resources and information that are so valuable and needed today, but most importantly was her loving heart and passion. You will not be disappointed.”

Hislena Servin

IPHC Golden West Conference

“Anne-Marie’s presentation was the best part of our 55 hour training. Everyone wanted her to stay and keep talking. We book her every time now.”

Mindy Daffron

Crisis Team Manager, Trauma Intervention Program

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I have had the opportunity to work with Anne-Marie in various capacities as a teacher to her in our trauma and attachment certification program; as a participant learning about the grief and loss model she uses; and as a participant personally working through the grief and loss model. I highly recommend her as a skilled and engaging presenter. The grief and loss model that she uses helps people to form meaning of their experiences and to step into and fully feel what they have been holding in their bodies, nervous systems and hearts!  She has a deep compassion that is felt in the support she provides to participants. As a speaker, she is engaging and highly effective at inviting people to explore their losses and how life hurts. She truly does help to heal broken hearts!

Lori Gill

Founder and Clinical Director of the Attachment and Trauma Treatment Centre for Healing

Presentation Topics

Grieving and Healing from the Losses of Life

There are so many misconceptions about grief and loss.

Grief 101: Equipping Support Professionals

(therapists, social workers, hospice workers, first responders, teachers, nurses, doctors, coaches, volunteers, and anyone else who would like to learn more about grief)

Everything you need to know about interacting with and understanding grievers. Learn truths and myths about grief and loss, the different life losses that cause grief and how to support with the right words and actions. Go from awkward to confident. Participants leave informed and empowered.

The Impact Of Loss And Change On Children

(parents, guardians, educators, school counselors, children’s leaders)

To watch a child grieve and not know what to do is a profoundly difficult experience for parents, teachers, and caregivers. Yet, there are guidelines for helping children develop a lifelong, healthy response to loss. This workshop will introduce concepts to free children from the false idea of “not feeling bad” and to empower them with positive, effective methods of dealing with loss.

 There are many life experiences that can produce feelings of grief in a child, from the death of a relative or a divorce in the family to more everyday experiences such as moving to a new neighborhood or losing a prized possession. No matter the reason or degree of severity, if a child you love is grieving, the guidelines examined here can make a difference.

Strategies for Processing and Healing Grief

(2 day training for counselors, therapists and life coaches)

Healing Blankets for Grieving<br />
Trauma Healing Retreat<br />

Interested in Anne-Marie speaking or interviewing with Anne-Marie?

Contact Us now for more information!

Best Widow Retreat

Grief 101: An Introduction to Grief and Loss

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