16 Essential Things New Widows Need to Know

16 Essential Things New Widows Need to Know

Welcome to Widowhood! If you are a new or recent widow, your world is probably turned upside down. I remember experiencing it.  You may be feeling overwhelmed, confused, scared, lost, and experiencing the most devastating pain you can imagine. The pain is truly...
What Happens at a Widow Grief Retreat?

What Happens at a Widow Grief Retreat?

WHAT HAPPENS AT A WIDOW RETREAT? The Next Chapter Widow Retreat aims to help widows understand their grief,  get unstuck and process anything that is blocking their recovery, while creating a fellowship with women who understand. The goal is to begin healing the heart...
6 Tips for Coping with Valentine’s Day Grief

6 Tips for Coping with Valentine’s Day Grief

You have just gotten through the holiday without your spouse and now Valentine’s Day hits. It’s all about love!  You see it everywhere –  in stores, restaurants, and on social media. It’s another reminder that your Valentine is not here.  These are tough...
18 Permissions for Widows

18 Permissions for Widows

At our widow retreats, we address how preconceived notions about how we should behave when we are grieving can sometimes get in the way of the healing process. If we feel one thing and then react in a way that doesn’t match up with our feelings, we are, in a way,...
Best Widow Retreat

Grief 101: An Introduction to Grief and Loss

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